Redemption is real for all

M’lakhim Alef (1 Kings) 21:25-29

Truly, there was never anyone like Ach’av. Stirred up by his wife Izevel, he gave himself over to do what is evil from ADONAI’s perspective. His behavior in following idols was grossly abominable; he did everything the Emori had done, whom ADONAI expelled ahead of the people of Isra’el.

Ach’av, on hearing these words, tore his clothes, put sackcloth on himself and fasted. He slept in the sackcloth and went about dejectedly. Then the word of ADONAI came to Eliyahu from Tishbe: “Do you see how Ach’av has humbled himself before me? Since he has humbled himself before me, I will not bring this evil during his lifetime; but during his son’s lifetime I will bring the evil on his house.”

King Ach’av for all his evil, sacrificing his children and leading others to do it, giving into his wife’s pagan ways, failing to obey ADONAI when he was handed the armies of Aram, for all this evil, ADONAI forgave him when he repented. It is the same for us, no matter what, when can be forgiven if we truly change our hearts and circumcise them to trust in the sacrifice of Yeshua and the lordship of ADONAI in our lives. Then we can experience the fill of the Ruach and know that God is with us. Lord keep me humble and prayerfully following You. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

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