
Psalms 107:4-9

They wandered in the desert, on paths through the wastes,

without finding any inhabited city.

They were hungry and thirsty,

their life was ebbing away.

In their trouble they cried to ADONAI,

and he rescued them from their distress.

He led them by a direct path

to a city where they could live.

Let them give thanks to ADONAI for his grace,

for his wonders bestowed on humanity!

For he has satisfied the hungry,

filled the starving with good.


This is the story of all of our salvations.  In our nonbelief we wander around aimlessly in our own selfishness, only to find death and complete destruction.  But that moment that we set our selfishness aside and trust fully in the grace ADONAI showed us through the sacrifice of Yeshua then all those wanderings fall away, and a straight path is revealed to our hearts of complete salvation.  Praise God in all His mercies.  Lord thank You for Your salvation and the leveling of the road to my heart. Without You I would know nothing but despair and loneliness, thank You for Your loving kindness.  Lord praise Your Holy Name, amen.


John 1:45

Philip found Natan’el and told him, “We’ve found the one that Moshe wrote about in the Torah, also the Prophets—it’s Yeshua Ben-Yosef from Natzeret!”


These men where just fishermen, common folk making a living on the banks of the Galil.  Yet the had studied and knew the Word giving them the ability to recognize Yeshua for who He was, our creator incarnate here to resolve us back to Himself.  It is the study of the Word that lets us see into the supernatural that ADONAI would have us see and work in.  Prayers and comfort that we as the body can tend to each other, healing and testimony so that we can bring others to trust, worshiping and praise to ADONAI who provided this all for us, all this is only possible with study and understanding of His Word.  Lord let me always find delight in the Word that You have given us through Moshe, the prophets and the talmidim.  Let me write it on my heart and let it be the sword that cuts to the heart of all matters.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.


2 Peter 3:17-18
But you, dear friends, since you know this in advance, guard yourselves; so that you will not be led away by the errors of the wicked and fall from your own secure position. And keep growing in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Deliverer, Yeshua the Messiah. To him be the glory, both now and forever! Amen.
Peter is telling us that salvation is a continuous work, that we must tend it like one tends a garden, keeping pest and disease away from the fruit of our labor until it has come to the full season of harvest. We as believers can do this by studying the Word and spending time in prayer so that we hear ADONAI’s direction in our lives through the Ruach. Cling closely to the salvation that Yeshua provided to all men if they open their hearts and trust and do not waiver when people with evil intent disparage that trust, guarding against such arguments with a foundation built on God’s Word. Abba, You have given me a heart to trust in Your Word as embodied by Yeshua, let me hold onto every teaching like a baby with it’s mother so I can grow in Your will and do what You would have me do. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.


2 Peter 2:1-3
But among the people there were also false prophets, just as there will be false teachers among you. Under false pretenses they will introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, and thus bring on themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their debaucheries; and because of them, the true Way will be maligned. In their greed they will exploit you with fabricated stories.
A warning that we as believers must heed. Too many times I have see good friends follow these false teachers right into apostasy while saying they are serving ADONAI, but their actions fail to measure up against His Word. Denying the power and deity of the Mashiach, to falling into false world of sorcery we are told to flee from by following kabbalist who think their little chants and spells can force God to do anything. We as believers must cling to the Word and hold onto it so tightly that it is written right into our very hearts and souls so that we can, with the help of the Ruach, stand against such heresies. Lord protect Your people and tend Your bride as these evil persons try to destroy the congregation of believers. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

Stand Firm

Isaiah 51:7

“Listen to me, you who know justice,

you people who have my Torah in your heart:

don’t be afraid of people’s taunts,

don’t be upset by their insults.

One of the hardest things for me to do is not respond when I am being taunted.  Yet if I know justice and accept Torah being written into my heart by the Ruach, that is just what I am supposed to do.  I don’t need to rise to the bait of a fight that isn’t going to glorify ADONAI, He is control, and by my example of discipline in Him I will have witnessed to someone seeking to corrupt my testimony.   To know ADONAI, accept Yeshua’s sacrifice and receive the indwelling of the Ruach is to know true justice in one’s life so fear and hurt no longer drive our reactions.  Abba while I know in my mind You are Lord of All, there are times when my heart feels distant and hurt by others who seek to deny You.  Shield me from that pain and make me like the rock You would have me be, strong and a refuge for others to find You in the storm.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.


1 Peter 5:8-10

Stay sober, stay alert! Your enemy, the Adversary, stalks about like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Stand against him, firm in your trust, knowing that your brothers throughout the world are going through the same kinds of suffering.  You will have to suffer only a little while; after that, God, who is full of grace, the one who called you to his eternal glory in union with the Messiah, will himself restore, establish and strengthen you and make you firm.

When we as believers stand up to the lies of this world we must stand firmly, without waver, letting ourselves be anchored by the Word of God.  It is that trust in the ADONAI that allows the Ruach HaKodesh to infill us and endure the pain the Adversary causes because Satan is only allowed a short time to assail us when we are in union with God’s will.  Abba keep me near You in the trial that are ahead.  Let me always feel Your hand of guidance on me and let me always pursue Your heart.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

Trust in the Trials

1 Peter 4:19

So let those who are suffering according to God’s will entrust themselves to a faithful Creator by continuing to do what is good.

This is one of the hardest things for me to do.  I am a whiner when I am suffering so trusting ADONAI to see me through the trial is not in the forefront of my mind.  To struggle through something and continuing doing good for others is not what I want to be doing, but as I study and become more obedient to the Word that ADONAI has given us, I find my suffering is less.  There is refinement and a drawing in to God that I have missed when I suffered without trusting Him.  Lord I have prayed it many times but hold me close to You and support me in these days.  Let me always look to You first to lean on in my trials and not trust to my own selfish poor decisions.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.


Isaiah 40:1

​ “Comfort and keep comforting my people,” says your God.

We have a command that I have missed all the times I have read this chapter.  We as believers are to keep comforting each other day in and day out until such time as ADONAI calls us to heaven.  It is in this comforting that we allow each other to bear up under persecutions, pruning, and heartbreak and receive blessings in the help we give one another.  I believe that when the body of believers truly comforts and cares for one another we will see the fulfillment of the verses 29-31 “He invigorates the exhausted, he gives strength to the powerless.  Young men may grow tired and weary, even the fittest may stumble and fall; but those who hope in ADONAI will renew their strength, they will soar aloft as with eagles’ wings; when they are running they won’t grow weary, when they are walking they won’t get tired.  Lord let me be the comfort that you command me to be and never fail in this commission.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen

Submitting to Authority

1 Peter 2:17-19

For it is God’s will that your doing good should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.  Submit as people who are free, but not letting your freedom serve as an excuse for evil; rather, submit as God’s slaves.  Be respectful to all—keep loving the brotherhood, fearing God and honoring the emperor.


We are called as believers to submit to the leaders placed over us by ADONAI.  This is such a hard thing for me to do being raised in a country that values independence and personal drive, still God calls us to obey, because it is in our obedience to Him that others will see God’s love for them.  Lord give me the strength to stay true to Your Word and submit to the leadership You have placed in my life.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.


1 Peter 1:1-2

​ From: Kefa, an emissary of Yeshua the Messiah

To: God’s chosen people, living as aliens in the Diaspora—in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, the province of Asia, and Bythinia— chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father and set apart by the Spirit for obeying Yeshua the Messiah and for sprinkling with his blood:

Grace and shalom be yours in full measure.


I read these opening verses of Kefa and my heart just plummeted in shame.  How many times have I not trusted ADONAI to lead in my life and I only accepted half measures of His grace and holy peace in my life.  Trusting to my own actions and strength to address the situations in my life, I have failed over and over again, when instead I could have leaned fully on our God and experienced a peace that I see in other believers but for so many years I kept out of reach.  Abba forgive me for my hubris that I might be placing myself before You.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.