Self separation leads to destruction.

Devrie-YahHamin (2 Chronicles) 24:17-22

After Y’hoyada died, the leaders of Y’hudah came and prostrated themselves before the king. Then the king listened to them; and they abandoned the house of ADONAI the God of their ancestors and served the sacred poles and the idols. In consequence of their guilt, [God’s] anger fell on Y’hudah and Yerushalayim. In spite of this, he sent them prophets to bring them back to ADONAI; they warned them, but they wouldn’t pay attention. The Spirit of God covered Z’kharyah the son of Y’hoyada the cohen; he stood above the people and addressed them: “Thus says God: ‘Why are you transgressing the mitzvot of ADONAI and courting disaster? Because you have abandoned ADONAI, he has abandoned you.” But they conspired against him and stoned him to death at the order of the king in the courtyard of the house of ADONAI. Thus Yo’ash the king did not remember the kindness which Y’hoyada, [Z’kharyah’s] father, had done for him, but put his son to death. As he was dying he said, “May ADONAI see this and take vengeance!”

ADONAI in all His power and glory will never abandon us unless we first abandon Him. I know many times I have screamed into the wind “God why have you abandoned me to (fill in the current hardship)” when in truth I had already left God just like King Yo’ash for my own selfishness and was forced to face the world in a place that God chose not to follow because He will not abide with sin. ADONAI wants to walk with us, but He will not leave the narrow path of His own righteousness. We must choose to walk with Him and as Yeshua has said over and over again “Go and sin no more.” Lord forgive me for my wanderings off Your path to reconciliation with You, help me to keep my eyes on You in all things so I never wander into my own selfishness. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, ame

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