Man cannot overcome God

B’resheet (Genisis) 21:22-24

At that time Avimelekh and Pikhol the commander of his army spoke to Avraham. They said, “God is with you in everything you do. Therefore, swear to me here by God that you will never deal falsely with me or with my son or grandson; but according to the kindness with which I have treated you, you will treat me and the land in which you have lived as a foreigner. Avraham said, “I swear it.”

Even though ADONAI had spoken directly to Avimelekh and kept him from sinning with Sarah, even though Avimelekh had a concept of sin as an affront to God, and even though Avimelekh had been told by ADONAI that Avraham was His prophet, Avimelekh could only think to speak to Avraham from a place of worldly power ensuring the commander of his army stood by him and they spoke in unity to extract a promise of Avraham. It has been the same through history, leaders of men not understanding the power of ADONAI T’Zavot, the God of Heaven’s Armies, seeking by force of arms to bend the will of God’s anointed. Even today believers are persecuted in the courts as organizations trying to force a humanist lifestyle on those who trust in ADODAI, or the political indifference like the Jackson New Jersey’s Police Chief Matthew Kunz and Mayor Michael Reina’s refusal to investigate the multiple incidents of vandalism at Beth Zion Messianic Jewish synagogue as the hate crime that it is, to the outright violence of Hamas and other Iranian backed militias. Yet any who come against God’s anointed will fail and as Sha’ul wrote in his letter to the Romans God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God. Lord, let me be as tolerant as Avraham when dealing with people who don’t understand Your power of salvation and forgiveness that You have shown the world through Yeshua. Let all my promises have their foundation in Your Word. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

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