Persist in Prayer

Colossians 4:2

Keep persisting in prayer, staying alert in it and being thankful.

This is a charge for all believers to keep, as Sha’ul reminds the congregation at Colossae, that our prayers are to be persistent and alert. Our prayers cannot become just something pro forma that we do as a muscle memory but a conversation that we are continuing with ADONAI and Yeshua our lord and savior. Yeshua himself said to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and it will be given to us. Yet if we don’t have the conversation with God or worse yet we just babble some words over and over that have no meaning, how can we grow in our knowledge of the Lord. It is the pursuit of prayer that lets us hear from God, it is the pursuit of prayer that allows us time to recover from the stresses of this world and it is the pursuit of prayer that opens our heart to the indwelling of His Ruach in our hearts. Lord let me rejoice in every opportunity You give me to talk to You. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

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