Word of God speak!

‘Amos 3:6-7

When the shofar is blown in the city,
don’t the people tremble?
Can disaster befall a city
without ADONAI’s having done it?
ADONAI, God, does nothing without
revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.

God does nothing without telling us and by us, I mean everyone on the planet, before He does it. Sometimes He tells us so we can know it was by His power such as the plagues of Egypt that led to the freedom of Isra’el. Sometimes He tells us so we can turn from our ways and be reconciled back to Him such as Ninvah did. God being true to Himself does nothing without telling us first so that no matter what we, those that hear and obey, can see His hand at work among us. Lord I get so caught up in the moment and loose myself in my personal worries, clear a path for me so I can see clearly Your work in my life. Let all Your Words hit me like the blast of a Shofar so I can be like Sh’mu’el and never let them hit the ground but carry them all in my heart. I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

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