With God the possible is found in the impossible

M’lakhim Alef (1 Kings) 17:22-24

ADONAI heard Eliyahu’s cry, the child’s soul came back into him, and he revived. Eliyahu took the child, brought him down from the upstairs room into the house and gave him to his mother; and Eliyahu said, “See? Your son is alive.” The woman replied to Eliyahu, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of ADONAI that you speak is the truth.”

This woman and her son had already experienced supernatural salvation through the never-ending pot of meal and jug of oil, yet it was only when her son was restored to her that she knew she was in the presence of the man of God and that what he said was straight from God in Heaven. Just like Iyov she walked and lived in the supernatural day after day as others around her and her family starved but didn’t fully understand the power of God until she saw the impossible become real. My heart breaks for those who cannot see the possible in the impossible around them. So cluttered with the noise of catastrophe they fail to see the Hand of God moving for them. Lord open our eyes and our hearts so we can full understanding and know You are the God of all! I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

There is always a warning

Sh’mot (Exodus) 4:21-23

ADONAI said to Moshe, “When you get back to Egypt, make sure that you do before Pharaoh every one of the wonders I have enabled you to do. Nevertheless, I am going to make him hardhearted, and he will refuse to let the people go. Then you are to tell Pharaoh: ‘ADONAI says, “Isra’el is my firstborn son. I have told you to let my son go in order to worship me, but you have refused to let him go. Well, then, I will kill your firstborn son!”‘”

When ADONAI brings judgement, He always gives warning like He did for Moshe before Moshe ever set foot back in Egypt.  We must be attentive as Moshe to hear and heed the warnings so we can be kept in the cleft of the rock covered by the hand of God when they happen.  Lord let me always set aside the time to hear from You and follow the provoking of Your Ruach in my life to bring Your kingdom forward.