Don’t let glory get in the way

Shof’tim (Judges) 4:8-10

Barak answered her: “If you go with me, I’ll go; but if you won’t go with me, I won’t go.” She replied, “Yes, I will gladly go with you; but the way you are doing it will bring you no glory; because ADONAI will hand Sisra over to a woman.” Then D’vorah set out and went with Barak to Kedesh. Barak summoned Z’vulun and Naftali to come to Kedesh. Ten thousand men followed him, and D’vorah went up with him.

I feel this was a act of humility by Barak, not concerned with his own glory he wanted to assure himself there where like minded people around him who trusted in the hand of ADONAI and not the strength of people.  Personal glory was not important as long as the will of God was fulfilled.  Lord let me be as humble as Barak willing to go and serve but not for my glory but Yours and Yours alone.  I ask this in Yeshua’s name, amen.

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